
EUROCHIP-3 is a multidisciplinary 3-year common-action project involving all EU Member States (MS) to remedy major inequalities in cancer, and form the pillars of a EU cancer control strategy. The cancer inequalities addressed were identified by EUROCHIP2.

In spite of impressive progress in our understanding of cancer control remains inadequate:
1. Women die for avoidable causes of death: excess of cervical cancer mortality because of lack of screening.
2. The European cancer information system is quite complete in some Member States and poor in others.
3. The needs of people with a past diagnosis of cancer are often inadequately met.
4. Cancer management costs are increasing faster than resources.

Specific objectives

- To avoid avoidable deaths: an EU-solidarity based intervention on cervical screening in five Eastern European Member States (MS)
- To improve the health information system: an EU-solidarity based promotion of cancer registration
- To improve the health information system: promotion of the ECHI cancer indicator collection
- To extend the health information system to emerging health needs: list of cancer rehabilitation indicators
- To guarantee cancer care for all: a discussion on cancer cost/outcome ratio.


As in the previous EUROCHIP projects, in EUROCHIP-3 we intend to continue to work as a Public Health Network for Cancer. The outputs of the Project are to be intended as the result of consensus conferences at various levels of the Network's Groups. Specific Cancer Control Core topics are to be addressed in conjunction with other Public Health Stakeholders (e.g. people involved in cancer registration, cancer screening programmes, etc.). The Consensus of all interested parties in the Network is developed through e-mail discussions, conference calls, or meetings to be organised by a given WP leader. The Consensus procedure is composed of various steps:
1. a subject of discussion is acknowledged and informally assessed by engaged WP leaders and/or Steering Committee members
2. the possible related material is identified e.g. in the form of report, papers, evidence-based guidelines, etc.
3. group of discussion is identified by criteria of expertise, multidisciplinary and internationality. For this stakeholders and experts from all relevant cancer domains are involved, and maximum representation of Member States' interest is ensured
4. relevant scientific literature and links to other projects are taken into account and circulated to interested parties
5. discussion is conducted informally, or organized in online forum or questionnaires (where planned in specific WPs)
6. a formal declaration over the discussed subject is communicated by the relative WP leader to the interested Network groups
7. a formal output of the project is delivered and made available via various communication means i.e. project's website and collaborators' websites, project's Newsletters, use of DG SANCO tools for diffusion of results.

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