Prevalenza - Tumorinet
1. Mattioli S, Truffelli D, Baldasseroni A, Risi A, Marchesini B, Giacomini C,Bacchini P, Violante FS, Buiatti E. Occupational risk factors for renal cell cancer: a case-control study in northern Italy. J Occup Environ Med. 2002 Nov;44(11):1028-36.
2. Verdecchia A, De Angelis G, Capocaccia R. Estimation and projections of cancer prevalence from cancer registry data. Stat Med 2002 Nov 30;21(22):3511-26.
3. Duffy SW, Tabar L, Chen HH, Holmqvist M, Yen MF, Abdsalah S, Epstein B, Frodis E, Ljungberg E, Hedborg-Melander C, Sundbom A, Tholin M, Wiege M, Akerlund A, Wu HM, Tung TS, Chiu YH, Chiu CP, Huang CC, Smith RA, Rosen M, Stenbeck M, Holmberg L. The impact of organized mammography service screening on breast carcinoma mortality in seven Swedish counties. Cancer 2002 Aug 1;95(3):458-69.
4. Verdecchia A, Micheli A, Colonna M, Moreno V, Izarzugaza MI, Paci E. EUROPREVAL Working Group. A comparative analysis of cancer prevalence in cancer registry areas of France, Italy and Spain. Ann Oncol 2002 Jul;13(7):1128-39.
5. Capocaccia R, Colonna M, Corazziari I, De Angelis R, Francisci S, Micheli A, Mugno E. Measuring cancer prevalence in Europe: the EUROPREVAL project. Ann Oncol. 2002 Jun;13(6):831-9.
6. Micheli A, Mugno E, Krogh V, Quinn MJ, Coleman M, Hakulinen T, Gatta G, Berrino F, Capocaccia R. Cancer prevalence in European registry areas. Ann Oncol. 2002 Jun;13(6):840-65.
7. Iemolo F, Beghi E, Cavestro C, Micheli A, Giordano A, Caggia E. Incidence, risk factors and short-term mortality of stroke in Vittoria, southern Italy. Neurol Sci 2002 Apr;23(1):15-21.
8. Verdecchia A, Mariotto A, Capocaccia R, Gatta G, Micheli A, Sant M, Berrino F. Incidence and prevalence of all cancerous diseases in Italy: trends and implications (full text PDF). Eur J Cancer 2001 Jun;37(9):1149-57.
9. Zanetti R, Micheli A, Rosso S, Sant M. The prevalence of cancer: a review of the available data. Tumori 1999 Sep-Oct;85(5):408-13.
10. Mariotto A, Dally LG, Micheli A, Canario F, Verdecchia A. Cancer prevalence in Italian regions with local cancer registries. Tumori 1999 Sep-Oct;85(5):400-7.
11. De Angelis R, Valente F, Frova L, Verdecchia A, Gatta G, Chessa E, Berrino F. Trends of colorectal cancer incidence and prevalence in Italian regions. Tumori 1998 Jan-Feb;84(1):1-8.
12. Micheli A, Gatta G, Sant M, Krogh V, Perone C, Dell'Era L, Saltarelli S, Berrino F. Breast cancer prevalence measured by the Lombardy Cancer Registry. Tumori 1997 Nov-Dec;83(6):875-9.
13. Capocaccia R, De Angelis R, Frova L, Gatta G, Sant M, Micheli A, Berrino F, Conti E, Gafà L, Roncucci L, Verdecchia A. Estimation and Projections of Colorectal Cancer Trends in Italy. Int J Epidemiol. 1997 Oct;26(5):924-32.
14. Polednack AP. Estimating the prevalence of cancer in the United States. Cancer 1997 Jul 1;80(1):136-41.
15. De Angelis R, Valente F, Frova L, Capocaccia R, Micheli A, Chessa E, Sant M. Incidence, mortality and prevalence of stomach cancer in Italian regions. Tumori 1996 Jul-Aug;82(4):314-20.
16. De Angelis R, Frova L, Capocaccia R, Verdecchia A. Incidence and prevalence of digestive system tumors in Italy: estimates from mortality data. Ann Ist Super Sanità 1996;32(4):537-49.
17. Micheli A, Zanetti R. Incidence and prevalence of digestive system tumors: data from Italian tumor registries. Ann Ist Super Sanità 1996;32(4):503-12.
18. Capocaccia R, De Angelis R, Frova L, Sant M, Buiatti E, Gatta G, Micheli A, Berrino F, Barchielli A, Conti E, Gafà L, Verdecchia A. Estimation and projection of stomach cancer trends in Italy. Cancer Causes Control 1995 Jul;6(4):339-46.
19. Capocaccia R, Micheli A, Berrino F, Gatta G, Sant M, Ruzza MR, Valente F, Verdecchia A. Time trends of lung and larynx cancer in Italy. Int J Cancer 1994 Apr 15;57(2):154-61.
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