Pubblicazioni Mortalità
1. Crocetti E, Carli P. Unexpected reduction of mortality rates from melanoma in males living in central Italy. Eur J Cancer Prev 2003 Apr;39(6):818-21.
2. Quaglia A, Parodi S, Grosclaude P, Martinez-Garcia C, Coebergh JW, Vercelli M. Differences in the epidemic rise and decrease of prostate cancer among geographical areas in Southern Europe. an analysis of differential trends in incidence and mortality in France, Italy and Spain. Eur J Cancer. 2003 Mar;39(5):654-65.
3. Balzi D, Carli P, Giannotti B, Paci E, Buiatti E. Cutaneous melanoma in the Florentine area, Italy: incidence, survival and mortality between 1985 and 1994. Eur J Cancer Prev. 2003 Feb;12(1):43-8.
4. Capocaccia L, Capocaccia R. The rise and fall in primary liver cancer mortality in Italy.. Dig Liver Dis. 2002 Aug;34(8):606-7; author reply 607-8. No abstract available. Erratum in: Dig Liver Dis. 2002 Oct;34(10):761.
5. ISTAT: La mortalità in Italia nel periodo 1970-1992: evoluzione e geografia
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