Preparing for the introduction of HPV vaccines
Preparing for the introduction of HPV vaccines: policy and programme guidance for countries © World Health Organization 2006 All rights reserved. Publications of the World Health Organization can be obtained from WHO Press, World Health Organization, 20 Avenue Appia, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland.
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The contents of this documents are based on the deliberations of a group of experts who attended a meeting entitled Technical Consultation on Sexual and Reproductive Health Programmes and HPV Vaccines, held on 14–16 March 2006 in Montreux, Switzerland.
The experts included: Rebecca Affolder, Sebolelo Amos, Gayane Avakyan, Miranda Balkin, Emily Bass, Robin Biellik, Paul Blumenthal, Janet Bradley, Dirk Campens, Xavier Castellsagué, Christina Chan, Mike Chirenje, Patricia Claeys, Gray Davis, Soledad Diaz, Tesfamicael Ghebrehiwet, Peter Hall, Elisabete Inglesi, David Jenkins, Leila Joudane, Judith Justice, Khunying Kobchitt Limpaphayom, Supon Limwattananon, Iara Linhares, Julian Lob-Levyt, Sandra MacDonagh,
David Maenaut, Lauri Markowitz, Lilly Márquez, Anthony Mbonye, André Meheus, Tina Miller, Jennifer Moodley, Nguyen Duy Khe, Barbara O’Hanlon, Amy Pollack, Eduardo Lazcano Ponce, Helen Rees, Susan Rosenthal, Alfred Saah, Harshad Sanghvi, Jacqueline Sherris, Nono Simelela, Jane Soepardi, Cecilia Solís-Rosas García, Lisa Thomas, Johannes van Dam, Sunayana Walia, You-Lin Qiao, Barbara De Zalduondo. The following UNFPA and WHO staff participated in the meeting:
UNFPA – Lindsay Edouard, Esther Muia, Arletty Pinel WHO – Teresa Aguado, Nathalie Broutet, Djamila Cabral, Alexander Capron, Thomas Cherian, Felicity Cutts, Catherine d’Arcangues, Peter Fajans, Tim Farley, Dale Huntington, Patrick Kadama, Ardi Kaptiningsih, MariePaule Kieny, Gloria Lamptey, Gunta Lazdane, Merle Lewis, Mario Merialdi, Alexis Ntabona, Sonia Pagliusi, Andreas Ullrich, Paul Van Look, Peter Weis.
Nathalie Broutet, Dale Huntington, Felicity Cutts, and Peter Hall (WHO Consultant) prepared the manuscript of this document. This document was developed jointly by UNFPA and the following WHO Departments:
Reproductive Health and Research (RHR) – Immunization, Vaccines and Biologicals (IVB) – Child and Adolescent Health and Development (CAH) – Chronic Diseases and Health Promotion (CHP) – Health Policy, Development and Services (HDS) – Ethics, Trade, Human Rights and Health Law (ETH)